Creating a Capsule Wardrobe + Tips For Dressing for Your "Now" Body

Hey loves!With spring in the air and warmer weather coming, I've found myself doing some spring cleaning around the apartment. Part of that has been going through my closet and cleaning up/ giving away a lot of clothes I don't really love and that don't make me feel my best in my "here" body. One thing I've LOVED is the concept of creating a capsule wardrobe! What's better than loving every single thing you own and having just a few items that can make up numerous outfits? I don't know, honestly.

Another great benefit of capsule wardrobes is that they are great if you are in a transition period with your body. What a wonderful accomplishment it is to be weight restored after an eating disorder. Weight restoration is often an outward sign of the work you've done inwardly. And if you're on the road towards freedom from dieting, what a wonderful way to actively indicate that you are taking steps to make peace with your body! But with this time, I know it can be frustrating to have to get a whole new set of clothes to fit your healthier "now" body. Not to mention frustrating because clothes cost money.

I remember that period when I was gaining weight and the clothes that I'd allowed to keep me stuck in my eating disorder finally were no longer hindering my personal growth were no longer fitting well. It was discouraging, to be honest. I felt uncomfortable but didn't want to let go of these clothes I liked. And honestly, there was still part of me at this time that was so scared of the fact that I was gaining weight! I share this with you to empathize with you...because you aren't alone! If you're really struggling with accepting your changing body, that's ok! It's a normal reaction to feel uncomfortable of this unknown that is your body changing. I wrote a post a while back all about that if this is where you are. Whether you're gaining weight or you've gained weight and are still holding on to clothes of your past, take the leap and commit to starting fresh with your "now" body.

But in the same sense, don't let your clothes prevent you from living the life in freedom that you crave and desire deep down inside. This is one of those things that can be uncomfortable...but getting uncomfortable is where you grow as a person! 


If this resonates with you, if you've been hindered from recovering fully or fully saying "goodbye" to dieting because it's uncomfortable to be in your current clothes, consider starting fresh. Think of it like this...your current clothes do not serve the growth that your mind has endured. New clothes stand for this new growth that you have experienced and encourage you to continue to practice using your intuition. It doesn't have to be a huge shopping shouldn't be, actually! The point is to have a few items you love, that feel good in your body right now, that will encourage you to continue to focus on how your body feels and practice noticing your body's messages without the focus being on things like, "These pants feel tight" or "This shirt is too short". 


The easiest way to get started with your wardrobe is to first take all your clothes out of your closet and lay them on your bed. Maybe use the "Kondo Marie Method" (if you haven't watched Tidying Up, give it a look for some inspiration!) and go through your clothes one by one and only keeping those that Spark Joy & feel good on your body. While you're doing this, try each item on away from a mirror first, noticing how your body feels in the clothes. And then, if it passes the "Feel Good" test, take a look at it in the mirror and if you like the look, then keep it!I also like to stick to more neutral colors in my capsule, items that are more neutral colors and/or prints, so that they can go with more things and I can get more outfits out of them. So most of what I include are colors like black, white, peachy/pink, blue/chambray, tan. And as for patterns, I like to do stripes or flowery patterns that don't have too many colors so they can act more like a solid. But find out what things you like! Maybe start a Pinterest board for inspiration!A few of my favorite blogs that I've gained inspiration from are Un-Fancy & Classy Yet Trendy and then this post from Pinch of Yum



Once you know what you have and like and have a pile to donate of things that you don't want to include, you may consider shopping for some other items to fill in any gaps from things you've decided to give away. Go shopping with a plan for items you're looking for and be sure to have a mindset of really loving the things that you do decide to get. Then, when you're trying on clothes, use the same criteria that you used when you were trying on your own clothes...try them on without looking in the mirror first, focusing on how the clothes feel on your body. If they feel comfortable and pass the comfort test, look in the mirror and see if they pass the cuteness test. If so, do you really love it? Awesome! You have your answer!Know that this time of possibly transitioning to different sizes and different clothes is a time to approach your body in a non-judgemental way. Again, going up in size may be a sign that you have healed your body and mind in certain ways! Letting go of clothes of your past will help you tune inward and trust your body more. Believe me! This can be celebrated! Your size, just like the number on the scale, is not an indicator of your health and doesn't have to cause shame. Be gentle on yourself through this transition. And celebrate all the person you've grown to be! Here's some outfit inspiration if you want to see a little sneak into a few of my capsule outfits. 

**these are a combo of items from second hand (Goodwill & ThredUp) stores, Madewell, & Target!

 Hope this post has been encouraging and inspiring! Have fun with it! Get creative :) And share your outfit creations by tagging me on instagram so I can see!! @yates_victoria_.


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