Choosing to Get Uncomfortable

Good morning! I'm currently writing to you from my desk in our living room...It's not much as far as desks go, just a little Ikea desk that hangs from one wall and is basically only big enough for a notebook and a laptop, no more. But it's cozy and it's my space where I get to connect with you! Just thought I'd help paint a picture for you and have you know that, though we're maybe not friends in person, I so do care for you and hope you feel a little bit closer.

Today I'm sharing something I've been, personally, learning in my life currently. And that is on the topic of choosing the uncomfortable. It's not our first get uncomfortable. It's in our DNA to survive and be comfortable. But getting a little outside of our comfort zones is where such amazing work takes place in our whole bodies (mind, soul, body). So that's why I want to encourage you today to choose uncomfortable.Before you close out this page or decide this isn't for you...give me a second to help you see that the easy way in life is the comfortable way. But the full way of life is the uncomfortable way. And by full I mean a life that yields a deep joy, incredible experiences, and beautiful relationships. Let's get a little uncomfortable, shall we? 



I had this thought of choosing to be uncomfortable recently when I decided to add two more things to my already busy schedule. I was presented the opportunity to take on two new things, two different things, that I would have never seen myself doing. The first of these was the opportunity to become a Barre3 instructor which, if you haven't heard of or tried Barrre3 I highly recommend as a wonderful way to move your body and encourage a healthy relationship with exercise! But back to choosing to be an instructor...I knew that taking this opportunity would be difficult, uncomfortable at times. But also, I knew that it would add something more to my life in the direction I wanted to go. I knew that it would make me more into the person I want to be. And that person is more strong in her voice (something that comes inevitably with leading a class through movement) as well as share more deeply with women in my community the ability to love their bodies through movement. It was a no-brainer to take on this new skill and position. Even though I thought of quitting a number of times, not for the sake of not wanting to do it, but because I was scared of the discomfort that may come with stretching myself in a new and different direction. But growth is a choice. You can choose to grow in yourself as a person, or you can choose not to grow. No one is holding you back except yourself and possibly your fear of getting uncomfortable. 

Secondly, I added on a new facet of business as a consultant for Beautycounter. I never would have seen myself as a beauty consultant or working in direct sales. But I loved the mission and vision of the company and wanted to, again, challenge myself with something that was uncomfortable and would lead to growth. Since starting with Beautycounter a month ago, I've been able to connect with people I may not have connected with aside from working in this area as well as have another avenue of serving the women I so deeply love. 



Again, growing is a choice. And your method of growth may look different than mine. Maybe you've had it on your heart to pursue your own business and need to choose to get uncomfortable by either stepping out in faith with that idea or adjusting your schedule so you can work on your idea on the side and build it up before leaving your full-time job. Maybe you growing means reaching out for help with healing your relationship with food. It's not easy to be vulnerable and ask for help. But as someone who's been there, there is such power and growth that comes from getting coaching or counseling for an area in your life. Maybe getting uncomfortable for you looks like trying something new and pushing through any fear of failure. There is no failure when you are pursuing growth...only learning and more growing. 


There's a place when you're seeking growth and doing the thing that's uncomfortable to you where think to yourself, "I can't do it anymore." Think of it as your tipping point. But right past that point is where the magic grow! I heard an analogy recently about how steel is made. It's made by melting metals together at a really high heat and then shaping it to whatever thing it's being used to make. And when it's complete, it's the strongest metal out there. It took high heat, pressure, *getting uncomfortable*, to become stronger and used to its full capacity.

Growth involves getting uncomfortable. But you can know that that time of getting out of your comfort is what will make you stronger and more into who you are meant to be. Know that on the other side of discomfort is that place where you are maybe more confident, more compassionate, more resilient, bolder in your beliefs. On the other side of discomfort is that person you want to be. All it takes is getting out there and getting a little uncomfortable.

Close your eyes for a minute with me and think about how you can, today, start pushing yourself out of comfort and into that sweet spot of growth through discomfort? What do you need to do? What is the person who you want to be doing right now to get there?You can do this! I believe in you! I am here for you :)I'd love to hear how you are growing right now...comment below with something you want to start doing to start growing, something you're doing now for growth, or something you did to get to where you are today!


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