What I Ate In A Day + Eating When You're Snack Hungry

Hi friends! I had such great feedback from the last "What I Ate In A Day" post that I thought it'd be fun to share another! But I will say, I always want for these posts to be an encouragement in your own journey, knowing that each of us are different and have different preferences and likes with food. But, that being said, we could all use some inspiration when it comes to meal ideas. So I hope this post brings you some inspiration as well as insight into what eating intuitively looks like throughout the day. This post, specifically, I also wanted to talk on what it means to be "snack hungry". Because there definitely is a difference, and tuning into your hunger can help you differentiate whether you're "snack hungry" vs "meal hungry" and be able to better listen to what exactly you're wanting and what will satisfy you.

Ok, so breakfast started with a slice of sourdough bread, toasted with peanut butter and topped with banana along with some whole fat yogurt. I was eating fat free Greek yogurt from the time the Greek yogurt fad started, but one day decided to try regular thin full fat and I was so impressed by how good it tasted! Just to think all those years of denying myself the deliciousness of full fat normal yogurt!! I’ve found that full fat dairy works well for me because it satisfies me better than non fat and helps fill me up and give me energy. Topped that yogurt with only blueberries because it really didn’t need anything else! Oh and of course had a cup of coffee with some half and half, another new thing I’ve been into the last few months. I used to drink it just black but found it was losing my interest and was so bitter. So cream it is!

I did some work in the morning, wrote a blog post, and then went off to meet a local intuitive eating and health at every size dietitian, Erica Leon, for coffee. OMG meeting this woman was so amazing! We had such great conversations about all things intuitive eating and counseling and just what it’s like to be in this field. I’m so glad to have made a connection here locally with someone who GETS IT!

But before I went to meet her, at around 10:30, I was STARVING! Or at least knew I would be very shortly. That for me felt like a little bit of restlessness, thinking about food more, and some cloudy thinking. You see, hunger isn’t always just your stomach grumbling. And knowing what hunger feels like for you, personally, can help you better respond to it! I decided to have just a little snack of some carrots and hummus...a little protein be fat to meet my “snack hunger” need for food. I wasn’t quite ready for lunch but knew that going into a meeting and drinking coffee would not be good for my mental clarity and food was the remedy. That’s snack hunger.'

After the meeting I went home and threw together a salad of some arugula, a few pieces of leftover steak, and some potatoes and topped it with chimichurri that we had on tacos the night before. I wished I’d had some more steak but that’s all we had so que sera.It was super hot in our apartment and I felt myself going insane so off to the library! I packed a tumbler with an iced matcha latte for a little afternoon pick me up. I wasn’t really NEEDING the latte per day, just wanted it. Added some collagen powder I’ve been trying lately and some ashwaganda as well as a little maple syrup and almond milk, blended it up, and headed out.

I worked at the library for a bit. I had the goal of trying to write most of the really meaty blog posts for the month, which is something new I’m trying to be more productive and stress free. It was a lot but I got through it!

For dinner I was pretty beat and really didn’t want to cook with it being so hot, so Trader Joe’s fried rice with an egg on top was the answer! I wasn’t super hungry at dinner so that was enough to satisfy. Paul and I ended the night with an evening run which I started off thinking it’d be a super relaxed run, but I felt really energized which surprised me and ran quite fast. Also, since it has cooled off a little it was nice to be outdoors!

Hope you all have had a good week! Comment below with your favorite meal/snack from the week or something you’re craving lately!


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