A Day of Intuitive Eating

Hey there! What a wonderful day it's been! Yesterday felt a bit of a funk, but today was a fresh day and it felt good. Do you find yourself and your mood being so closely connected to the weather? I know I do. I don't know what I'd do if I lived somewhere like England where I hear it's grey and rainy a lot of the time. But yeah, yesterday was super dreary all day and I just could not get anything I wanted to get done, done. But today, of course, was sunny and things just flowed smoothly! I'm always grateful for days like this.The day started with me waking up around 5:00...well, the alarm went off at that time but I was so cozy I just stayed in bed for about 10 minutes. I just got a body pillow so I have that on one side and Paul on the other and it's just so hard to get out of bed! I got up after a few minutes and made some coffee, which since the beginning of my pregnancy has been one nespresso cup with steamed milk. Still can't do straight coffee like I used to do, even if I do normal coffee with milk or cream. I'm curious to see if my love for coffee comes back when I'm no longer pregnant...we'll see, but I sure hope it does!I made coffee, grabbed a banana, and spent just a few minutes sitting on the couch with a blanket reading a devotional and my bible and just spending a few moments praying. I did just a short bit of journaling...not something I do every day but only when I have something on my heart or mind that I need to release. Then I sipped the last of my coffee as I headed out the door at 5:40 to teach a Barre3 class.I'm tapering down to 3 classes a week now this week which feels soo good! I made the decision to taper down earlier in October when I was still feeling good and for a moment I wavered dropping one of my classes. But I'm now so glad I did! I'm so glad I listened to my body with this one and anticipated needing to start slowing down this month. I'm going to see how I feel throughout this month and thankfully I can play it by ear a bit with what I want to do in December.After class, I got home and Paul had made breakfast. We had scrambled eggs and two apple cinnamon muffins that I made yesterday. Today's post should be sponsored by Pinch of Yum because I want to say 90% of what I ate today was a recipe from her. I just love that everything I've tried of hers tastes delicious, isn't super difficult, and doesn't have crazy ingredients! It's a win-win-win!After breakfast, I took a shower and spent some time getting ready. I listened to Jenna Kutcher's podcast, Goal Digger while putting on my "Flawless in Five" from Beauty Counter.I had a few things going on today. The first was a Beauty Counter Popup event at a local co-working space from 10-2. I've really been enjoying taking Beauty Counter to local businesses lately and sharing about our mission with people while educating them on why safer beauty products are important.Around 11 o'clock I started to get hungry and knew I'd be out of the house until 2. I'd packed a Clif Bar in my purse, something I've been keeping on hand at all times lately because I know that I can't be my best self when I'm hungry. Not to mention I'm not serving my body well to not prepare for hunger.After the event I headed home and warmed up some soup I'd made earlier in the week. And, of course, it's another Pinch of Yum recipe! I'm telling you, I'm in a little bit of an obsessive state right now with her recipes! This particular soup was the Insta Pot Minestrone, but I made it just in a big pot on the stove. Had it with some fresh bread I'd bought at a local store over the weekend and some Kerrygold Butter, my favorite!I barely had enough time to eat and relax before needing to head out the door to a chiropractor visit. But I still managed to sit down at the table and eat somewhat slowly. Eating slow is still something I'm working on. I've been seeing a chiropractor for some tailbone pain, which I discovered was actually an issue with my sacroiliac (SI) joint. This particular chiropractor specializes in prenatal work...if you're local and need a recommendation let me know!...and her work was like magic! I went today just for a follow-up and everything is feeling much better!Once I got home I was starting to feel a little hungry and it was only 4:30. I knew dinner wouldn't be for a little bit so I had a banana and peanut butter. This has been another snack I'm loving lately! Loving all things salty/sweet it seems.I spent a few moments doing some work before Paul got home and I started on dinner. Dinner was, yet again, Pinch of Yum's Date Night Mushroom Pasta With Goat Cheese. It was soo delicious I had one serving and then still a little hungry so had a little bit more :). To end the evening I had a couple squares of Ghiradelli Sea Salt Soiree chocolate...basically dark chocolate, sea salts, and small pieces of almond, yum, along with some Red Raspberry Leaf Tea. And that's what I ate today as well as a little look into what intuitive eating looks like for me! Basically, intuitive eating for me means anticipating hunger and preparing with snacks on hand, honoring my hunger without question of why I'm hungry, as well as making time to cook delicious meals. It's something we don't often think of, but cooking for yourself is an act of self-care.Well, thank you for letting me share a little about my life with you here! I'm really loving doing more of these Intuitive Eating posts showing you what intuitive eating looks like for me. I'd love to hear from you! What's something you're eating lately and loving? How are you practicing intuitive eating today?


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