5 Things Bringing Me Joy Right Now

Hey friend! I'm writing to you at my desk while Graham naps. I love that little guy so much! But I also really love the time I get to be still, listen to some classical music, drink tea and eat chocolate for a little afternoon pick-me-up, and work in my business. And writing to you here on this blog is one of my favorite things about the work I do! This and, obviously, the sessions I have with my amazing 1:1 clients and connecting with my members inside The Nourish Lab.Speaking of joys, I thought it'd be fun to share a few things that are bringing me joy right now. Joy has been on my mind lately because it's something I'm really trying to make a daily part of my life. And, to be honest, I lost so many potentially joy-filled years when I was obsessed with food and exercise. The fight for control robbed me of all the beautiful joy I could have experienced all of those years.But, we can't re-live the past so it's about bringing more joy to my life every day that I can control. And that means finding joy in the present and future.Does choosing joy mean every day is going to be amazing and go exactly as I planned? Of course not. But I believe we can choose joy in every moment...the highs and the lows. So, here are a few things bringing me joy right now. 


Instagram, as I'm sure a lot of you can relate, is a big distraction for me. I realized that it was taking me away from being present with my family (with Paul, my husband, and our little 8-month-old, Graham). It was causing me anxiety and this pressure to be on it and check it every time I got a notification about something. I wasn't able to be fully present in my business and focus on tasks I'd set for myself.And, seriously, in just the 5 days that I've had notifications off, I've noticed a WORLD of difference! I've only checked Instagram twice today and both were just a quick post to stories and then hopping off. That used to be really tough for me, if I'm honest. I would hop on Instagram to check a DM someone had sent me and 30 minutes later I'm scrolling and never got to actually checking the DM! I'm somewhat embarrassed to share this but I know I'm not alone.One of my desires for my life and balancing work and being a mom is to practice having boundaries around work. I want to be fully present when I am in "mom-time" and fully present when I'm in "work-time". And Instagram was preventing me from doing that.You may have noticed I've been blogging here a lot more and on Instagram less. That was also intentional with wanting to practice being more present and having more boundaries. And now, turning off notifications has been the cherry on top and is feeling really good!I still LOVE Instagram and connecting with all of you over there (come say "hi!"). And the goal is to be able to be more present there through more intentional time spent in the app. I'm planning on doing a post about social media boundaries soon, but just wanted to share because this new level of presence has been bringing me so much joy! 


A few weeks ago, Paul and I started a tradition of going out for breakfast on Saturday mornings. We used to hardly ever go out for breakfast, but since having a baby breakfast time is the best time for us to go to a restaurant if I'm completely honest. Either early breakfast or at dinner at 5 PM (we're those people now :) ).It's been so fun! Graham loves getting out and just looking around. We always pack him something like applesauce or yogurt and some fruit and then he usually ends up trying some of whatever we get as well.This past Saturday we went to a place here called Barista Alley (if you're in the Greenville area you're probably like how have you not tried this place yet!) and it was soo good! We went for a late brunch/second breakfast after I finished up our first book club discussion with my Nourish Lab members at around 11. Paul and I both got the breakfast sandwich crepe with ham, cheese, and egg and I got an iced herbal tea (see picture above). We sat on one of the big leather couches inside and ate with Graham bouncing in between us. Anyone who has kids knows, it's always a toss-up as to how meals out will go with a kiddo. But we always have fun, regardless.Something I've loved about this relationship with food I have now is enjoying the experiences food brings. Like the tradition of Saturday breakfast! It's something I look forward to every week. 


I know, kinda crazy. Especially since I'm either at home just Graham and me OR we're out running errands and I'm wearing a mask. But it's one of those little pleasures that is bringing me joy right now and making me feel put together even when I'm not. I never really was a lip gloss gal but ever since trying Beautycounter's Beyond Gloss (shameless plug...you can shop with me at that link), I'm hooked. It's not sticky feeling, which was part of why I didn't like it in the past, and smells like the inside of an Anthropology store...probably my all-time favorite smell. Shout out to Beautycounter for making literally the best products out there and using better ingredients! I'm all for it! 


I'm not doing a whole lot of "structured" exercise right now other than walking and an occasional Barre3 online class. But my afternoon walks bring me so much joy! Also because we always go around the time when Graham is getting a little cranky and stir-crazy inside. We live near a really nice neighborhood so it's always fun to walk by and admire the gorgeous houses and dream a little. I'll usually listen to a podcast or even just walk in silence. Currently I'm listening to some marriage and intimacy podcasts such as Fierce Marriage (can't recommend this one enough!) as well as one that my friend Katherine introduced me to called Kingdom Sexuality on Spotify that's all about a biblical approach to sex and intimacy within marriage. If either of these topics are interesting to you, I 100% recommend! 


God's been teaching me a lot about contentment lately. Contentment with where we're living right now, with waiting for the right time to buy a house, with where we're at financially, with where I'm at in my business and being a mom, and a number of other things. I get really excited about the future, which is by no means a bad thing in my opinion. But it can take me away from contentment in the present. I was doing some bible studying this morning and journaling, asking for help in the area of contentment, and found this verse. I immediately wrote it down and stuck it to our fridge as a regular reminder. And with that, a mantra that I've been writing and saying every morning is "I have everything I need".How often do we go through life looking for the next thing, and the next thing, and all the while missing the joys of the present? I know that's a place I struggle to fight and have struggled with for a while. Isn't it amazing how when we feel like we've totally conquered something it pops up again in maybe a different way?I used to struggle with contentment in my body. I would look at other girls and wish I had smaller thighs and thicker hair. And, though I don't struggle with contentment in my body as much anymore, it still shows up for me in other ways.Anyway, I'm so grateful to have found this verse and hope it encourages you as well!Those are just a few things right now that are filling my heart with joy. I'd love to hear, what's bringing you joy right now? On the flip, what's maybe taking joy away from you right now?Always here for you :)


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