1 Year with Beauty Counter...My Thoughts + FAQs

Last month marked my first year partnering with Beautycounter as a consultant and I thought I'd share with you my experience. I know I've had a lot of questions from you guys about the business side of things...questions such as how much time does it take, do I have to have a large social media following to be successful and do I have to be a skincare guru? If you've ever been even the slightest bit curious about the biz side of Beautycounter...read on :)Ok, let me be frank. I never ever saw myself as doing this or any business like this in the past. And even when I joined as a consultant last March, I didn't think I'd want to do a whole lot with it. I thought, I'll just share with my friends and family, I'll get the discount on some good safer skincare products, and that'll be that. What I didn't expect was falling in love with the company like I do now and wanting to shout their praises from the rooftops.If you're unfamiliar with Beautycounter, they're a company that prides itself on creating skincare and personal care products that excel in both safer ingredients and performance. The company first launched 7 years ago by the founder and CEO, Gregg Renfrew, who began with a mission to get safer products into the hands of everyone, and that's still our mission to this day. Beautycounter is also a B-corporation which means they meet very strict standards of social and environmental performance, transparency, and balance of profit and purpose. In addition to creating high performing products that are safer for the consumer and being a B-corp, Beautycounter consultants and employees advocate for legislation that will improve the health and safety of all U.S citizens through implementing stricter laws around ingredients and testing of products and ingredients. As you can see, Beautycounter is so much more than just another skincare brand.Ok, so I tried out my first Beautycounter products just a few months before joining as a consultant. I purchased my first products, the Flawless in Five set, in January. And then shortly after, in March, I decided to join the business. I didn't really have the intention of doing a whole lot with it. I thought, at the least, I could get the consultant discount on safer products and maybe just share it with friends and family. So I joined.When I talk to people about the business opportunity with Beautycounter, I typically get two responses from people. One is, I don't have enough time. I joined in March at the same time as I was training to be a Barre3 instructor, working as a nurse, running my health coaching business and coaching clients 1:1. I'm not gonna lie, there were plenty of times where I said to myself, "What am I doing?!" But it just goes to show that you really can fit this business into the nooks and crannies of life, as I like to say.So I started my Beautycounter business with very little intention to do much with it. But little by little, with being involved in some of the "behind the scenes" of the company and seeing the heart and soul behind the brand, I started to fall in love. And it was hard not to be passionate!I'm not sure if you've ever thought about a business like this...like I said, I know I never did. But just in case this has ever crossed your mind, I wanted to address four common questions I get about the business. 


This is probably the number 1 response I get from women when I talk about the business side of Beautycounter. I totally get it...we're all so busy. But this has been one of my favorite parts of the business this past year. In this last year I was working part time as a nurse, coaching women here, got certified and started teaching Barre3 classes, and grew my Beautycounter business. Like I said above, it really does fit into the nooks and crannies of life. There were months where I was able to do more and months where I was able to do more. And it never felt like work. It always just felt like sharing things I loved. 


This is the second most common response is about the investment. Most every business has some sort of investment when starting out. There is an enrollment fee of $98 which includes your own website so clients can easily order through you, access to an education platform to learn all you need to know about the business, as well as marketing materials, samples and 2 products. This is all you need to start your business. But, if you want some full-size product to be able to begin sharing with people, I highly recommend purchasing a starter kit when you join because products are all highly discounted, but only at the time you join. I, personally, got the middle of the line skincare set and already had the flawless in five makeup set and that was all I needed to begin talking about and sharing the products. And I made back my investment in just a few months (and again, these were months where I was doing a lot of other things and honestly not putting a whole lot of time into my business). There are starter kits for every budget, ranging from even just $100. 


If you've said or thought this...you're not alone! When we think about selling, we often think of that "greasy car salesman" image, am I right? And I don't know many people who want to be that. But one thing I love about Beautycounter is that it's never felt like selling. It feels like I'm just simply sharing and talking about things that I love and educating on something I'm passionate about...safer beauty. I think what's made the most difference for me this past year in my business is approaching selling with a different mindset. And that is, I'm not selling, I'm sharing. That way, everything you do around your business comes from your heart and people see that and trust you more."Selling" for me looks like posting what I'm using and loving on Instagram occasionally, telling my friends about the awesome products I'm using, occasionally host a "pop-up" shop where I'll talk about why safer beauty is important and share products in person, send out samples for people to try. Beautycounter believes that their products essentially sell themselves because they're so good...and I'd have to say that's been true for me and my business. 


You definitely don't have to have a large social media following to be successful. I'd say I get some clients through social media, but I get more through making connections in my community. Social media can definitely add to what you do personally, but nothing beats a personal connection wither in person or through 1:1 conversations.  Here are some common FAQs about the business... 


No. Technically Beautycounter is a direct retail business with multiple revenue avenues. Meaning, yes, you can buy through a consultant (like me), or you can purchase online without a consultant, in one of their retail stores, or through a partnering store that stocks their products. Technically with an MLM, the only way to purchase is through a consultant type individual who is apart of a level of consultants. Some people think it is an MLM because there is the opportunity to work as a consultant and then as a consultant to build a team of other consultants. But I think the reason it's not referred to as an MLM is because of all of those other options for shopping.I'm not gonna lie, I had my own misconceptions about Beautycounter thinking it was "just another one of THOSE companies". But that was before I learned more about them. And then, I was thinking too...what makes their business model any different than, say, another company that has different ranks within the company, those who are doing more of the selling and those who are doing more managing. With Beautycounter, you are encouraged at any position to continue selling. The way the compensation plan works is to encourage everyone at any "level" to continue selling and sharing the products with new people each month. That speaks to me, personally. 


The only requirement is to sell/buy $1200 every 6 months. And maybe the idea of a requirement is scary to you, but believe me, this is pretty easy to achieve. And there's no penalty for not meeting this requirement, only moving to a member as opposed to a consultant. 


The answer to this really varies. I've made anywhere from $60 to $400 in a month this year and, like I mentioned, I had a lot going on in my life. You definitely have the ability to make more depending on what you put into it. I've found that the months I do more, I make more, and vice versa. That's how things should be, right? I can definitely see how over the next few years this will grow. For me, I joined as a consultant because I really loved the products and the company. I didn't really join for the money, but it's been so nice to have a little extra while doing meaningful work. You really can't beat that! If you're looking to replace your current income, their compensation plan is the most competitive in the market, 25%-35% commission, or if you just want a side hobby to pay for your safer beauty and get the consultant discount of 25% off, this business can be that for you too!  


I chose to join Beautycounter because I fell in love with their mission "to get safer products into the hands of everyone". I love their focus on educating as well as producing safer products that work...because they do! I look to align myself with companies who are transparent and Beautycounter is one of the most transparent companies I know. I love that they are in Washington, advocating to make legislative change for the health of the people; they want to see all products on shelves at the store have their same standards! And I love that I get to work with other women who are just as passionate and who encourage and inspire me in all areas of my life, Beautycounter and other. It's really a wonderful community! And YES! I'm in it for the long haul. I plan to continue to share safer products, both Beautycounter and other, with you as well as talking more about why ingredients matter because I care about you and your health and the health of my family. Interested in the business opportunity but on the fence??This podcast "sealed the deal" for me. I fell in love with this company through learning more about Beautycounter's founder, Gregg Renfrew.And I'd love to talk more about my experience as a consultant. I strongly believe in their mission and in their opportunity and, though I know it's not for everyone, it really is beautiful and meaningful work I think is worth exploring!If you want to talk more about what it's like to be a consultant or you want to come alongside me and join this opportunity too, email me at victoria@victoria-yates.com :)


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